Kaye’s natural humour and playfulness enabled her to navigate depression, anxiety, burnout, addiction, self-harm, eating disorders, imposter syndrome, chronic pain, and PTSD – all while having a successful career and raising two neurodivergent children. But at a cost to her physical and emotional health.

Then her ADHD diagnosis at the age of 51 led to her passion to help others manage the challenges that their differently-wired brains can cause as well as understanding how to maximise their strengths and increase their positive emotions. She offers a holistic approach to support you to:

  • transform your beliefs
  • reduce shame and increase your self-compassion
  • use work-arounds and develop a daily structure that works for you
  • recognise when you are ‘masking’ your traits
  • manage executive function challenges
  • celebrate the strengths your differently-wired brain gives you

Kaye is a member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), a Senior Member of the ACCPH and an RSA Fellow and member of their coaching network. She is registered with the International ADHD Coaches’ Organization (ACO) and ADHD UK and volunteers as a leadership development coach for young people at Know You More. She has an MSc. in applied positive psychology and coaching psychology, is a Master Practitioner in NLP, nutritional therapist and laughter yoga facilitator.

I finally love my life!

“I support people of all ages and backgrounds to increase their confidence, gain clarity, better manage challenging situations, such as chronic health conditions and increase the joy, meaning and balance in their lives.

My passion is to enable others who may feel lost or a bit broken to recognise their strengths, see the opportunities in their challenges and unleash the power of their exceptional minds. I know first-hand what a difference this makes on a daily basis!

I finally love my life and love my work. And I know I wouldn’t have that without the coaching that I’ve had.

Coaching really is the best possible support for people with ADHD. And having a coach with a similar brain to you makes a huge difference!”